Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July parades turn kids into *GASP* Republicans!

Well, chalk one up for another useless story with no purpose but to try to scare good, left-leaning liberals into keeping their kids from becoming a future conservative (read, Republican) of America...

All that fireworks-watching, flag-waving and potato salad-eating this weekend could in fact lead to a vote for the Republican party for your child.

And the stats from Harvard back up the claim. When children were exposed at a young age to the Americana fanfare associated with the Fourth of July, they were more likely to vote Republican and make campaign contributions to the party.

Harvard researchers David Yanagizawa-Drott and Andreas Madestam found that kids who attended one rain-free July 4th celebration before the age of 18 were four percent more likely to vote Republican before the age of 40. And whether or not they went to the polls, young Independence Day revelers were more likely to identify with the right wing by 2 percent.

The liberal media makes it sound like going to a 4th of July celebration could give your kid lice, or E. Coli, or some other disease. Sounds great doesn't it? Demonize the one holiday in America where we celebrate EVERYTHING great about our nation, in spite of it's shorfalls, to provide incentive for some far-leftwing wackos to not celebrate this great day with their children...

They try to trivialize the study somewhat, by saying "kids who attended one rain-free July 4th celebration before the age of 18 were four percent more likely to vote Republican before the age of 40". Hey, what's four percent, right?

Well, in the "landslide" win of Obama, over McCain in the 2008 presidential election, Obama won by SEVEN PERCENT.

That means, if 4 percent of the voters, who voted for Obama, swapped, and voted for McCain instead, McCain would have won by ONE PERCENT.

Left wing liberal media scare tactics? You be the judge.

The study DID admit however, that Republican parents tend to celebrate the 4th of July more intensely than their Democratic counter-parts:
The study notes, "Republican adults celebrate Fourth of July more intensively in the first place."
Anyways, have a happy 4th of July, enjoy the parades, hotdogs, burgers, watermelon, lemonade, and fireworks. Remember, you may be doing your part for the future of America, by taking your kids along! Heck, volunteer to take your liberal neighbors kid(s) with you too... then show their parents the article afterwards, to freak them out a little bit!

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