Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A little holiday humor...

A friend emailed me a link for a toy on, not for the toy, but for the comment below it...

Here is the picture:

And here is the text of the customer review of the product...

I was a little disappointed when I first bought this item, because the functionality is limited. My 5 year old son pointed out that the passenger's shoes cannot be removed. Then, we placed a deadly fingernail file underneath the passenger's scarf, and neither the detector doorway nor the security wand picked it up. My son said "that's the worst security ever!". But it turned out to be okay, because when the passenger got on the Playmobil B757 and tried to hijack it, she was mobbed by a couple of other heroic passengers, who only sustained minor injuries in the scuffle, which were treated at the Playmobil Hospital.
The best thing about this product is that it teaches kids about the realities of living in a high-surveillence society. My son said he wants the Playmobil Neighborhood Surveillence System set for Christmas. I've heard that the CC TV cameras on that thing are pretty worthless in terms of quality and motion detection, so I think I'll get him the Playmobil Abu-Gharib Interogation Set instead (it comes with a cute little memo from George Bush).
And of course, the actual link, so no one thinks I am making this up!!

For the final touch, I like that, at the time of this posting, 4907 out of 4991 readers found this review helpful!!!

HA HA HA, er, I mean, HO HO HO! Merry Christmas!

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